I found the graffiti article to be somewhat interesting. The way Kriegel portrays some of the graffiti he sees is really positive. He describes it as really colorful and beautiful. I would like to say the same about the graffiti in Detroit but unfortunately, I can't. Most of the graffiti I see in Detroit doesnt really send a message to me other than the fact that much of Detroit needs to be repainted. I honestly respect those who portray a serious message in their graffiti and those who really put their all into their designs. But most graffiti I see is nothing but a self-promoting tag of gangs or something along those lines.
I really do like this picture I found. I dont know if "sars" was originally part of the design but either way, I like it. It definately gives it character. I googled Detroit graffiti and this came up. I hope I actually see this at one point while in the city.
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